Shop News

Welcome! We started this journey on July 1, 2023 and I'm excited at how much progress we've made so far!

Update July 31st, 2024: 

We had a great time meeting Makers and Content Creators at the Alt Star Awards in June! We hope to attend again in 2025. 

We're working on expanding our size range. We begin with Size Medium and we're expanding our line up to include Size Small. I hope in the future, with enough demand, we can include Size Large in our collection as well. 

With my limited reach and the economy the way it is right now, I can't afford to grow my business very quickly and I will be relying on MTOs to avoid stock sitting in inventory. If there is a model you are interested in, please place an order for an MTO and I will do my best! 

Thank you all for your support on this fun and stressful artistic journey!